
DirtyImpreza Forums

DirtyImpreza is the world’s largest online community for off-road Subaru Impreza enthusiasts.  RealityDesign integrated vBulletin forum software in to the existing DirtyImpreza website and created a custom forum skin to match the look and feel of their website while providing improved readability.  The site was also moved from its existing shared hosting to RealityDesign shared hosting servers for improved performance.

Additional Information

Database(s): MySQL
Language(s): CSS, PHP
Software: vBulletin
Hosting: RealityDesign shared hosting

RealityDesign, LLC is a technology company headquartered in Anaheim, CA. We offer complete solutions for our clients including website, graphic, & media design, shared & dedicated hosting, custom application programming, photography, and more. You can view some examples of our work above. For more information about who we are and what we do, visit our about and services sections.
Do you like what you see? We’d be a great fit for your next project. Whether you’re thinking about creating a new website, redesigning an old one, or even just adding some new features or software to an existing site, you owe it to yourself to get a free quote.